PCANZ Portable Printing Press Hire
The Print Council Aotearoa New Zealand (PCANZ) owns two portable intaglio printing presses (Loan Presses) for the purposes of promoting printmaking in education and supporting members in their printmaking endeavours. These Loan Presses are currently located in Auckland and Nelson and can be rented for limited periods of time depending on who the ‘Borrower’ is.
Please note that these presses are very heavy and will require two able bodied people to carry them. The removable components are packed in a heavy large canvas carry bag. You will require a sturdy table or bench top to support the press while in use.
loan press in central north island for regional use
Area of bench required to support press: 600 mm long x 450 mm wide
Area of press bed that will hold block/plate and paper: 800 mm long and 340 mm wide
Press Coordinators
Please contact your closest Press Coordinator for all enquiries and bookings. Note you will need to make full payment before your booking is confirmed.
Bridget Burnett, bridget@nationalartsupplies.co.nz; work: 09 634 0325 or 027 457 5271
Jeff Lockhart, jeff.g.lockhart@gmail.com ; 020 416 35512
Internet banking to be transferred to bank account 03 0791 0387378 00 — Particulars: Your Name Code: Press Hire
Loan Press Policy
Printable copies of our Policy detailing categories of 'Borrowers' and rental rates:
Rental Process
Printable copies of the rental process: