4. Anna Layzell: Monoprinting with oil and cold wax medium - $198

Monday 8 & Tuesday 9 January

Cold wax is a medium that can be added to (among other things) oil paint and oil-based printing inks. The effect in painting can be similar to encaustic without the need to use heat. In printmaking, when mixed with oil-based inks and run through the press, the mark is softer, more ethereal.

In this class we will experiment with different ways to monoprint with this gorgeous medium. We will work on different surfaces from traditional print paper to transparent thin papers to use in collage and chine collé. Some may like to work over old prints as well. We will be printing from baking paper and plastic plates, using different mark making tools and textures. Bring your curiosity as we explore monoprinting with the press and by hand.

Website: https://www.annalayzell.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annaklayzell/#