3. Brigitte Potter-Mael: Woodcut Intaglio - $205

Monday 13 & Tuesday 14 January

Vancouver BC based mixed media artist Brigitte Potter-Mael will guide participants through every step of her own woodcut-intaglio technique. This two-day intensive workshop will involve a unique preparation of a wooden matrix, use of wood-cutting/carving knives. Oil-based printing inks will be used.

The process is known as woodcut-intaglio, because it involves carving and cutting in the making, plus an intaglio (as well as etching and drypoint) method of wiping the inks in preparation for the printing.

Participants will create images printed from wooden plates that would combine mark-making using a set of carving knifes to create lines, along with the use of water-based media and brush work to create textures.

Brigitte studied stone lithography and woodblock printing as part of her BFA at the University of Concordia, Montreal, and graduated in drawing and printmaking in April 1983.
