5. Vicki Mangan: Drypoint Monoprinting - $198

Thursday 16 & Friday 17 January

I have a very painterly approach to printmaking. Using drypoint lines as a matrix each print becomes part monoprint and as a result each one is variable within the edition. Instead of scratching all areas of contrast, I use the cut line to draw the image and ink to paint. Areas of white are cleanly removed so the underwiping of the plate becomes deliberate. Using this method means less time is spent scratching the plate but it can take around 50 min to ink an A3 work. During the workshop you will make several prints using a range of mark making, as a way to find the style and method which works best for you.

Small perspex plates will be provided but if you have existing plates you want to experiment with, feel free to bring them. I will have images for you to use but bring your own if you are able.

After teaching for 22 years I returned to Aotearoa New Zealand and completed my BFA (Hon) in 2020. I now work in both painting and printmaking, specifically drypoint/monoprints. I am experimental in my practice, pushing to express my love of language both written and visual, through the haptic nature of my art.
