6. Kathy Boyle: Waterless Lithography - $198

Thursday 16 & Friday 17 January

A direct, fun printmaking technique that allows you to create a range of gestural and mark making that is similar to traditional lithography but uses a quicker, safer and less toxic approach.

Plus it uses easy to access materials and you can print it using an etching press !

You will be making a series of plates, experimenting with a range of drawing materials e.g. sharpies, crayola washable markers and will use Indian ink, toner, acrylic inks to create beautiful fluid textures.

We will then experiment printing the plates in a variety of ways to create a small series of works.

Kathy Boyle is an experienced and innovative printmaker and tutor who has taught workshops in New Zealand, Australia and the UK. She has exhibited widely in New Zealand and overseas and whose work is held in collections that include the British Library, Queensland State Library, Mitchell Library ( Sydney), Burnie Art Gallery Tasmania, Aberystwyth UK.

Instagram @kathy_boyle_artist